The Auction Reports call reports bidding within a specific auction. The report shows item information including the winning bidders (winner) and under bidders (losers), item ID, category, lot number, item title, etc. It uses Http Method: GET.
The API must be structured correctly and have the correct security in place. See also Common API Errors.
See Status Codes and Common Data for more information on results.
https: //your_bidlogix_domain/auction-mgt/bdxapi/reporting/auction/{auctionId}/{sorting}?clientId=your_bidlogix_client_id |
Key and Adaptations
{auctionId} : the id of the auction.
{sorting} : the field to sort the result by - only value currently supported is 'category'.
Appending the query string parameter: &includeImages=true to the end of the request, will result in a response that includes URLs to the images of the items.
Http Method: GET
See Bidlogix API
Query String Parameters
See Query String Parameters.
Success Response
For example:
Error Response
Example: { error : "Log in" }
Code: 422 Unprocessable Entry
Example: { error : ["<field_name>"] }