The Auction Item Reports call reports details on specific item(s) and the bids and offers made on them. This includes information such as the item's category, title and lot number, end time, etc. It uses Http Method: GET.
The API must be structured correctly and have the correct security in place. See also Common API Errors.
See Status Codes and Common Data for more information on results.
Please note that Auction Item reports are limited to a call size of around 6KB, or up to 1000 items per call.
Key and Adaptations
Appending the parameter: &includeImages=true to the end of the request, will result in a response that includes URLs to the images of the items.
Setting includeImages=true will include the cloudinary image URLs in the resulting json data structure.
Note that the returned "winner" field is the accepted offer, if there is one, otherwise it's the highest bid.
Http Method: GET
See Bidlogix API
Query String Parameters
where your_bidlogix_client_id is the id of your bidlogix web application id.
Setting includeImages=true will include the cloudinary image URLs in the resulting json data structure.
Please also see Query String Parameters.
Example 1: Success Response
Example 2: includeImages=true
Error Response
Example: { error : "Log in" }
Code: 422 Unprocessable Entry
Example: { error : ["<field_name>"] }
Code: 400 Bad Request