• Log into the administration area.
  • Select Users & Groups then Users from the top menu bar.
  • This view will default to users who have created accounts in the last week.
    • To change this, click Modify Filter in the top left hand corner
    • Use the red crosses next to fields to clear that criteria
    • Enter your required filter criteria and select Apply to retrieve your desired results
  • You use this filter to search for Users by Name (first name and / or surname) / UsernameEmail  / Company or by Date.
  • Once you have filtered your list and found the user you are looking for you can click on their username to see the full summary of their information.
  • If the number of records for a particular filter exceeds 1000 then a warning is displayed at the top of the screen indicating that "Only the first 'X' results have been displayed". 
  • To view all registered users remove all filters, click Apply, wait for the results to load then select Export All Activated Users. The .csv file will be downloaded.